1. What is one learning you would like to share?
- Intimacy can be established online, and sometime allows for deeper vulnerability and sharing.
- Emphasize the things that have done that are positive in order to build a future of hope.
- Community is more than just our buildings.
2. What is one question you would like others to wrestle with as well?
- How do we let/grieve dying structures/ministries in the wake of Covid, especially when corporate grief (funerals) haven’t been part of our common life for the past 18 months?
- How do we move forward in a community/world still paralyzed/traumatized by covid and individual risk thresholds?
- What is our role as Christians? Where is god leading us?
3. What is one hope you would like to offer?
- Range of diversity we hadn’t realized within our community, unity through diversity.
- Opportunity to look at our world in a new way, reclaiming a lens of abundance.